
The Link Between Plant-Based Calcium and Bone Health

Calcium is a mineral needed for good health. It is found naturally in a variety of foods, so most people can get what they need from healthy diets. When they cannot get adequate amounts of calcium, deficiencies can impact teeth, bones, and some body functions. Fortunately, plant-based supplements remedy the problem for many. In fact, quite a few practitioners believe there is a link between plant-based calcium and bone health. Quality supplements taken in the right dosage can offset dietary deficiencies. The Part Calcium Plays in Health Doctors might recommend a calcium supplement for post-menopausal women because they often do not form new bones as quickly as younger women. Throughout life 99% of calcium is stored in teeth and bones. Bones remodel themselves every day as calcium is supplied to them. In youth the process is quick and bodies create new bone faster than it can break down. At around age 30, the process becomes about equal and by menopause, bones break down faster tha